Monday, 25 October 2010

christening bookatrix

hello again, im sorry i dont get to post as often as i like but for the past few weeks ive had trouble with my back and ive found out ive slipped a disc so sadly no crafting for me, i wanted to share with you today a card i made for my sis-in-law, she and my brother were being godparents to 4 children and they only wanted one card, as one fo the children is a boy i had to come up with something neautral so hence my disney decoupage saved my bacon. I made yet another bookatrix but this time made it into an easel card,

The second picture shows the tag underneath, i got this idea from Rach as i just love her cards, i wish i was that talented. i used nearlly a whole sheet of peel offs on this so i think a visit to my local craft store is a must

Just one thing before i go, is there anyone out there that hasn't started there xmas cards yet as i have a feeling im the only one, would love to hear from you, i really need to make a start on them. lol

ta ta for now
hugs tanya xx